星期日, 八月 23


oliven check our body temperature before we inside the centre..... because wanna avoid H1N1 invade(侵入)...I'm were pass!!! today also nearly late....almost 11. 02 inside, fortunately, C.H Lim not inside yet..... lucky...lucky.... yap x.w borrow a book for me....non interesting, but I'm also take it...cos she was crazy...u dun take , she will angry...then, recess, fang n me go to eat roti canai, the fly is inside my kuah then he die....fang share her kuah with me.... we eat 2 roti telur, total price is RM3....wow...so cheap!! I'm scold J.J horse cos he was very busybody....ya~ anger!!! then, eat McD before back home....then sleep till 2100, juz wake up!!! then , writting my blog....I'm talk very rubbish lol.....haha~
哇~ 什么英文喔! 够破哦! 不过很好玩一下窝! 你们也试一下啦! 不用怕别人笑的啦! 试了过后就会更进步的!!! *你们看的懂吧!!!